
One4all Valentine’s Day Survey Reveals That When It Comes To Matters Of The Heart – Irish Are More Renaissance Than Romantic

February 5, 2014

‘Snookums’ voted Ireland’s most cringe-worthy pet name ·         Underwear is the most popular new garment purchase for the day ·         Over half will spend between €1 – €50 on a Valentine’s gift ·         37.1% of survey respondents would most like to receive a gift card on Valentine’s Day ·         Household goods would be the worst present imaginable for 49.1% […]

Romantic Valentines Moonlight Walk Marriage Proposal

February 6, 2012

For anyone planning to propose marriage this coming Valentines Weekend or maybe just would like a nice romantic walk in the open countryside under the light of the moon but with the safety of group of other walkers, a nice service is available through This is from their website: We can’t bring you to Paris, […]